Who pays for Ambulance and false alarms to emergency services?

Who pays for Ambulance and false alarms to emergency services?

Daktel Australia or Medicare does not cover ambulance call-out fees. There is no national ambulance provider; hence, the way ambulances are billed varies across states and territories. Your residents are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate ambulance cover to ensure they are not out-of-pocket hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars.

Similarly, Daktel Australia does not cover any false alarm or call-out fees levied by emergency services such as Police, Fire and Ambulance. These, too, can vary between departments and across states and territories. It is important to remember that in the event of an alarm activation, our 24/7 Response Centre will first try to establish verbal contact with the resident. If contact cannot be made, emergency services can be dispatched according to your community's defined response protocol.

This article's audience is Senior Living Operators only. For myhomefone retail consumer support, click here for the main menu.

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