Alarm connects to Triple Zero instead of Response Centre

Alarm connects to Triple Zero instead of Response Centre

All professionally monitored DAKTEL equipment is designed to connect directly to DAKTEL's 24/7 Response Centre in the first instance. From here, the equipment's microphone is remotely enabled so the response operator can check in on the user's welfare.

Triple Zero Failover
The equipment has built-in failover to dial Triple Zero if there is a connectivity issue. It's important to remember depending on the type of connectivity issue, this failover may not work, and Triple Zero does not have the ability to activate the equipment's microphone remotely.

To prevent failover connections to Triple Zero

  1. Ensure the base unit's SIM card is not missing and properly inserted
  2. Ensure the 4G LED light is steady (solid). If flashing, relocate the unit elsewhere to obtain better mobile network coverage.
    Please reach out to technical support if you continue to experience coverage difficulties.

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