Mobile Network Coverage & Speed

Mobile Network Coverage & Speed

MyHomeFone utilises both the Optus and Telstra Wholesale Mobile Networks.
Most of our plans offer a choice of network operator when you initially order your service. 3G and 4G compatible plans are provided as standard. 5G coverage is being rolled out and currently has limited availability. Please check with us if you require 5G connectivity.

We provide the following services using the mobile access network:
  1. Mobile Phones
  2. MyHomeFone (home phone with optional Wi-Fi Hotspot)
  3. MyCareFone (24/7 Assist Personal Safety System)
  4. Fixed-Mobile Home Broadband
Our Telstra & Optus coverage maps are below. We recommend checking your area's coverage before ordering new services to determine which network will serve you best. Coverage can vary between indoors, outdoors and depending on your specific device.

We cannot guarantee the exact speeds you might experience because several factors influence speed, including the devices you use, network congestion, your location, and where the content is coming from. 

Please note 3G network services are currently in phase-out. All carriers are expected to complete their 3G network service closure by mid-2024. You may require a 4G device with VoLTE calling capability to stay connected.

TELSTRA Mobile Coverage Map

Our TELSTRA mobile network coverage area reaches over 98.7% of the Australian population.

OPTUS Mobile Coverage Map

Our OPTUS mobile network coverage area reaches over 98.5% of the Australian population.

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