Determining the Right Data Amount for Your Mobile Plan

Determining the Right Data Amount for Your Mobile Plan

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when choosing the data allowance for your plan:

Wi-Fi Availability

Do you have access to Wi-Fi at home or locations you frequent away from home?
Having access to Wi-Fi can influence the amount of mobile network data you need on your SIM.

Phone Usage

How do you use your phone when you're not connected to Wi-Fi?
Do you read on the bus, stream podcasts, or rely on your phone's GPS for directions?
Understanding your phone usage patterns can assist you in making the right choice for your data allowance.

What is 1GB?

The term GB stands for Gigabyte, which is equal to 1024 megabytes (MB) or 1,048,576 kilobytes (KB).
As a simple guide, here's what 1GB of data could allow you to do:
  1. Watch approximately one hour and 20 minutes of video in Standard Definition. 
  2. Stream about eight hours of high-quality music at 320kbps (kilobits per second).
  3. Send or receive around 1000 emails.
  4. Send or receive over 1.5 million WhatsApp messages (without pictures or video).

How much data does tethering use?

'Tethering' involves using your mobile phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot to provide internet for another device, like a tablet or laptop. The amount of data used depends on what you're doing on the tablet or laptop. For example, streaming a movie on your tablet while tethered to your phone will use the same amount of mobile data as streaming the movie directly to your phone.
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