eMail Sevices with myhomefone

eMail Sevices with myhomefone

To ensure our core services remain affordable, myhomefone does not provide email services. We recommend the use of services such as Gmail, Outlook or Proton Mail. Links to these services are provided below.

Can I keep my existing ISP provided email address and switch to myhomefone?
Depending upon your current provider, you may be able to retain your existing email service with them after cancelling associated services such as a home internet connection. Each provider is different; some offer a 12-month fee-free period to transition away, and others have email-only paid service plans.

It is crucial that you discuss your options with your current email provider BEFORE terminating any services with them or initiating a request to transfer your current phone number. 

If you make arrangements to retain your email address, it is, however, important to note that it may only be short-lived irrespective of your change to myhomefone. There are now increasing announcements by many popular Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with respect to the phase-out of their email services. This is due to the increasing operating costs and popularity of other services such as Gmail.

Use of email applications such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or Mac Mail
If you use an email client installed on your device, rather than webmail access through a web browser, you may need to update your mail server settings. Often additional settings are required to connect to these systems after switching to a new internet connection (such as one from myhomefone). The most common issue is being able to receive emails but not send them. The following links are provided for your convenience:

If you require any assistance with email, please get in touch with your email service provider directly.

Free email services
myhomefone does not recommend any specific email service provider, however, the following are good user-friendly options to consider:
  1. Gmail - Gmail is a free email service provided by Google and is the largest email service in the world.
  2. Outlook -, formerly Hotmail, is a free email service offered by Microsoft.
  3. Proton Mail - Proton Mail is an end-to-end encrypted email service. It uses client-side encryption to protect email content and user data before they are sent to Proton Mail servers, unlike other common email providers such as Gmail and